Get Rid of Regret in the New Year

2 min read

Do you find yourself reflecting on your life as the new year approaches?

I don’t know about you, but Christmas carols and Auld Lang Syne always makes me reminiscent of the past. New Year’s Resolutions make me think about areas where I could improve or things I wish I had done better.

Is it the same for you?

Maybe you’re thinking about relationships that didn’t end the way you wanted, or things you wish you would have said to someone when you had the opportunity to do so. Maybe you feel regret over things you wish would have ended differently, better or more.

Things like,

  • I wish I told him that I loved him.

  • I never thanked her for always making my favorite meal on my birthday.

  • I wish she would have started cancer treatment sooner.

  • I wish I could take back what I said.

  • We should have gone on vacations.

  • I wish I was more present when we were together.

  • We should have taken that vacation before she died.

The problem with regret is that it keeps you out of the moment and it robs you of joy.

Regretting things you wish you’d said or done can stay with you for a long time, and limit your capacity for happiness. Sadly, it can impact your current and future relationships as well.

Here’s an example from a reader. "Years ago I dated someone that died. The last time we spoke he said he was going hiking. I told him he was an idiot because there was a severe rainstorm at the time. He ended up dying on that hike. Boy oh boy, did I regret not telling him I loved him on that last call rather than making a sarcastic comment."

Have you had a similar experience? It might not be the last thing you said before a person died but could be any situation that you wish would have been different.

That feeling of regret can be devastating. Making it worse, is not knowing what to do about it.

Were you taught how to deal with regret?

Most of us weren’t. Instead, we were given tools that don’t work. Tools like stuffing your feelings and being strong. The problem with stuffing your feelings is that you never get any freedom.

What’s the solution?

The Grief Recovery Method was designed to help you deal with regret. Through your willingness and courage, you’ll be guided step-by-step to find the relationships with the most unfinished business and identify your regrets. Does it require courage? YES! But the freedom you’ll feel will be worth it.

Just imagine,

  • Enjoying happy memories without pain.

  • Not beating yourself up for the past.

  • Being more present for the people in your life.

  • And getting better at limiting future regrets.

There is no bad time to get complete with the past, and what better time than the new year?

Wondering where to start?

Great question!

My 7-week online Program will help you move forward in your life whether you regret something in a relationship that was recent or a long time ago. You’ll learn the tools to process your feelings surrounding grief and start feeling happy and whole again.


If you are suffering from grief from the loss of your loved one, please reach out today. I am here to answer any questions you may have about The Grief Recovery Method. Let's decide together if my 7-session program is right for you. I am here to help you live a more joyful, peaceful life.

Contact me at 615-905-6565 or email me at, you can also leave a private message in the contact section.